Sonntag, 18. März 2012

British food specialities!

British food specialities!

 Bubble and Squeak ist ein in England sehr verbreitetes Gericht, das traditionell aus Resten vorausg
bubble & squeak
It is traditionally made ​​of mashed potatoes and green vegetables, usually cabbage or brussels sprouts,  which are mixed together and fried in a pan.


Haggis is a specialty of the scottish kitchen and consists of the stomach of a sheep that is filled with heart, liver, lung, kidney fat from the lamb, onions and oatmeal.


Scones come from the British Isles and are made of wheat, barley or oat flour and baking powder, eggs and sweet cream. In Ireland and Scotland, they're called potato scones, which are made with mashed potatoes, milk and flour. In the United States scones often contain nuts or cranberries.

shepherd's pie

Shepherd's Pie is basically comprised of a lower and an upper layer. The bottom is made of minced meat, the upper is made of mashed potatoes and sometimes a little bit of cheeseGarlic, chopped carrots, peas or other vegetables and herbs are added to the meat.

apple crumble

Apple crumble is a popular genre of desserts from the English kitchen. It is bakedapples with crumbs. 

Yorkshire Pudding

The Yorkshire pudding is made ​​of flour, milk, eggs, fat, salt and pepper, parsley and nutmeg. The batter is poured in portions into small pie or muffin pans. The result is a hollow in the middle of the baked batter.

Welsh rarebit

It's made of ham, eggs, cheese, parsley, salt and pepper. All  ingredients, except the toast, are fried in the pan and after that they are placed on the toast. YOu can also use normal bread instead of the toast.


Syllabub: White wine is flavored with lemon juice and zests of lemon and sweetened with sugar.Among this mass whipped cream is lifted. In addition to the white wine port wine or sherry is added. You can also add non-alcoholic ingredients like apple juice or fruit puree.

In no case I would try haggis from all of these things! 

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