Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012

Slumdog Millionaire

The movie „Slumdog millionaire“ is about Jamal Malik, who would do everything to find his true love Latika and always gets in trouble with scary businessmen and his brothe Salim,who wanted to get him away from her.

Everyone in the room is still listening and very exited. Jamal, who comes from a very low caste from Mumbai, is very nervous, because he is 1 question away from 20 million rupees. But then the show finishs. Jamal has to continue his luck in the next episode oft he series „Who wants tob e a Millionaire?“ fort he final big money question.
Jamal Malik earns his living by assisting in a call-centre, making tea. One day he  decided to join the most famous quizshow in India, not because oft he money, it was because of Latika. He astonishes the whole country by answering every question right. Altough the quizmaster couldn`t belive that he is a real genius and he thought Jamal was cheating. So, after the show he was sent to a police office. The cops weren´t very friendly and treated him brutally. They take him through each oft he answers he gave tot he questions and asked him, where he got the answer from and so Jamal's whole life story and his cruel and hard childhood are shown in flashbacks. Jamal explains the cops that each question has a special meaning for him and is a memory from his childhood.

When Jamal and his brother Salim were young, they lost their mother and then they were homeless. In the night, they lost their mother, they met Latika. The three went on a journey, not knowing where they will be in the future.
The two boys and the girl split up many times, but always met each other again and Jamal always tried to save Latika. In the end Salim sacrificed himself to save his brother. Jamal won the money and met Latika again.
Jamal’s story involves crime,drama, comedy and romance.
I loved to watch this film and during the film I was always excited, because i always asked myself: will Jamal find and save Latkia?


Sonntag, 18. März 2012

British food specialities!

British food specialities!

 Bubble and Squeak ist ein in England sehr verbreitetes Gericht, das traditionell aus Resten vorausg
bubble & squeak
It is traditionally made ​​of mashed potatoes and green vegetables, usually cabbage or brussels sprouts,  which are mixed together and fried in a pan.


Haggis is a specialty of the scottish kitchen and consists of the stomach of a sheep that is filled with heart, liver, lung, kidney fat from the lamb, onions and oatmeal.


Scones come from the British Isles and are made of wheat, barley or oat flour and baking powder, eggs and sweet cream. In Ireland and Scotland, they're called potato scones, which are made with mashed potatoes, milk and flour. In the United States scones often contain nuts or cranberries.

shepherd's pie

Shepherd's Pie is basically comprised of a lower and an upper layer. The bottom is made of minced meat, the upper is made of mashed potatoes and sometimes a little bit of cheeseGarlic, chopped carrots, peas or other vegetables and herbs are added to the meat.

apple crumble

Apple crumble is a popular genre of desserts from the English kitchen. It is bakedapples with crumbs. 

Yorkshire Pudding

The Yorkshire pudding is made ​​of flour, milk, eggs, fat, salt and pepper, parsley and nutmeg. The batter is poured in portions into small pie or muffin pans. The result is a hollow in the middle of the baked batter.

Welsh rarebit

It's made of ham, eggs, cheese, parsley, salt and pepper. All  ingredients, except the toast, are fried in the pan and after that they are placed on the toast. YOu can also use normal bread instead of the toast.


Syllabub: White wine is flavored with lemon juice and zests of lemon and sweetened with sugar.Among this mass whipped cream is lifted. In addition to the white wine port wine or sherry is added. You can also add non-alcoholic ingredients like apple juice or fruit puree.

In no case I would try haggis from all of these things! 

Donnerstag, 15. März 2012


There are many ways to show vampires. Generally they have the features that they live from blood of animals or humans and they have abnormally long teeth.  
In the middle ages they were shown as cruel, frightening and disgusting monsters. In the imagination of the people they only slept at night and were frightened of the sun, because they would have crumbeled to ash. Furthermore they mostly were men and bit the women. The people didn't want to be confronted with them and so they hung up garlic or they püushed a wooden pale into the body of the people from whoem they thought they were vampires.
On the other hand today they were shown as beautiful men and women which live from the blood of humans or if they vegetarians they live from the blood of animals. They aren't able to sleep, not on the day and not in the night! Different from the vampires in the middle ages, the vampires todayaren't afraid of the sun. Maybe that's why they are so pale?If you ask someone about vampires in these times he would certainly think of Edward! :D